[Host]: As Director Xie just mentioned, we have established two temporary Emergency Coordination Centers in Wuqing District, Tianjin. Why was Wuqing chosen? [09:20]
[Xie Jinyong]: Because Wuqing District is in the middle between Beijing and Tianjin Customs Districts, and we also have a hardware service conditions over there, convenient for enterprises to make communication. Furthermore, it is relatively close to Shijiazhuang Customs District. [09:20]
[Host]: Director Xie, currently Beijing’s population pressure is relatively heavy. The airport traffic is very tense. With the implementation of the integration, can we make the enterprises in Beijing move to the cities of Hebei Province? [09:21]
[Xie Jinyong]: Well, we have no forecast in this respect. But the integration of customs clearance is mainly targeting logistics, namely, cargoes at seaports and airports can be smoothly moved and transferred. This reform is aimed at simplifying logistical formalities with enterprises. Regarding the movement of population and enterprises, in fact the Customs are catering to enterprises. So in this regard, we can only wait and see. [09:23]
[Host]: Just now you mentioned that enterprises can complete freight formalities at home. What about the procedure for such formalities? [09:23]
[Xie Jinyong]: It is a goal of customs reform to enable enterprises to get 24-hour customs clearance at home. By means of informatization and paperless operation, enterprises can complete declaration formalities at home. However, in some cases, enterprises are still required to receive inspection and present documents at the site of Customs Houses. [09:23]
[Host]: Well, what kind of enterprises must go onsite for customs clearance? [09:24]
[Xie Jinyong]: It depends on the need for inspection. According to law, if the goods need to be unpacked, then the enterprises have to be present to testify and receive inspection. Besides, when the Customs need to investigate something not clearly specified in documents, enterprises should go to Customs offices for cooperation. [09:24]
[Host]: What are the governmental supports for the regional integration? [09:24]
[Xie Jinyong]: In reality, the regional integration has gained wide and strong support from local governments including Beijing Municipality, Tianjin Municipality and Hebei Province. They also cooperate with the Customs authorities to do relevant work. In serving enterprises and logistics, the Customs authorities share the same objective with the governments to promote economic development and opening to the outside world. [09:24]